Research Helpful Articles on Workforce Culture

Value of Valuing:  The Nonnegotiable Step

Regardless of the core values adopted in a healthcare organization, valuing others is vital as we represent an industry of healing arts, caring, and service to human beings.  Valuing is the bedrock for core organizational values, just like trust is to integrity.
doctor hospital team medical nurse health medicine teamwork professional healthcare clinic group

Healthy Culture Matters

Getting the culture “right” in healthcare has become a mandate and not an option.  Today with value-based purchasing, mediocre care is no longer acceptable.  Financial rewards are tied to patient clinical outcomes. 

Four Cornerstones of Healthcare: Culture

Leading a healthcare organization requires effective, intentional focus on the Four Cornerstones of Healthcare.  If we – as leaders – want to transform our unhealthy organization into a healthy, healing one, these four areas must have our attention. 

Empathy Deficit Disorder

People have a difficult time stepping outside themselves and dialing into what other people are experiencing.  This is especially true for those who feel, think, and believe differently from one another. 

Empathetic Communication Skills

Empathy is a great communication skill in that a person is sensing the emotions of others.  Having empathy allows people to connect and build emotions of others.  Having empathy allows people to connect and build camaraderie and kindred spirit among each other. 
Two contemporary business people discussing conference points

Barriers To Healthcare Culture Transformation

The barrier to addressing culture in a systemic approach by healthcare leaders has to do with a number of factors. This is a prevalent mindset in the fee-for-service healthcare environment. 

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Map new opportunities for the future by utilizing our self-guided survey to understand the challenges and opportunities your organization faces in improving your workforce culture.

Take Our FREE Culture Baseline Survey

Map new opportunities for the future by utilizing our self-guided survey to understand the challenges and opportunities your organization faces in improving your workforce culture.

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