Barriers To Healthcare Culture Transformation

The barrier to addressing culture in a systemic approach by healthcare leaders has to do with a number of factors.  For example, some healthcare leaders do not embrace the idea that cultural transformation is an ongoing process or is needed for an organization to achieve and maintain excellence.  This is a prevalent mindset in the fee-for-service healthcare environment. 

Leadership is Overwhelmed

Other leaders have expressed that transformation takes too much time and energy to focus on cultural development.  They feel their plates are overflowing and do not have time or energy to work on a culture transformation infrastructure strategy.  Even more critically, a leader may feel they do not have the skills and training to be successful in the implementation of a cultural transformation initiative that would be sustainable.

Casting a Vision

Today, more than ever, the spotlight is focused on the value and power that a positive organizational culture delivers.  As our healthcare institution leaders become aware of the need for culture transformation, we see the increasing need for leadership to cast a vision for culture development and to provide the training and support for all colleagues to help create that culture.

Culture Cultivation is Far from Easy

Cultural development and transformation is not a microwave process.  It takes initiatives on multiple levels and constant leading and oversight for a new culture to take root and grow.  There are a few leaders in healthcare who possess cultural development expertise.  Leaders cannot possibly be all things to all people.  Well-meaning leaders often settle for a motivational speaker that comes and goes in a few hours, or a flavor-of-the-month training in how to be nice to our customers.  Neither delivers the lasting effect that is needed to transform and sustain the work environment to one of continuous excellence.  A systemic corporate-wide solution is required.

The Workforce Culture Transformation Provides Hope

When this really is understood, Workforce Culture Transformation will be the secret sauce for success of every organization. The Blueprint is a specialized, customized curriculum, to deliver a synergistic environment that thrives on personal, professional, and organizational development – driving improvement from every area of the organization. Learn more about how the Blueprint is used to transform workforce cultures.

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