Empathetic Communication Skills

Empathy is a great communication skill in that a person is sensing the emotions of others.  Having empathy allows people to connect and build emotions of others.  Having empathy allows people to connect and build camaraderie and kindred spirit among each other. 

When Empathy is Lacking

A lack of empathy will cause stress or become a barrier to a work relationship.  When there is a lack of empathy, many times there is a deficit in communication.  This is illustrated in many of the famous Dilbert cartoons that depict an uncaring boss who creates a barrier through the lack of communication and empathy with the employee.  This has also been highlighted on the hit TV show “Under Cover Boss”.

How We Connect Matters

As fellow workers in healthcare, we need to remember it is not just how we communicate with each other that is important, it is how we connect and empathize with each other that builds trusting relationships and a foundational core for a healthcare environment of excellence.

The Mission of Healthcare Leaders

The mission and motivation of healthcare leaders as an industry is to improve the health and well-being of others in a safe environment.  An empathetic environment supports this mantra.  Practicing organizational mindfulness around empath helps us to be aware of the perspectives of other people, yet not feel overwhelmed when we encounter people’s negative emotions. 

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